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Local  Attractions

 Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum was opened to the public in the year 1997, a few years after the artist Georgia O'Keeffe. The museum not only focuses on the artist paints but also on the creative process.
 Santa Fe Plaza
Santa Fe Plaza
Santa Fe Plaza is part of the historic city of Santa Fe, it has benches, a bandstand, ethnic markets, festivals and, community events.
Santuario de Chimayo
Santuario de Chimayo
The shrine is a very popular pilgrimage location in the United States. A lot of visitors to the shrine come for both educational purposes and spiritual.
New Mexico Tourism Department
New Mexico Tourism Department
Welcome to the Land of Enchantment inside our borders you will find ancient cultures, world-famous cuisine, diverse landscapes, renowned museums, and much more. Our mountains, deserts, lakes, and forests offer endless recreational opportunities, our people are eager to share their ways, and our history will give you a new respect for life.
Espanola Valley Chamber of Commerce
Espanola Valley Chamber of Commerce
If you want more information about the beautiful area the Espanola Valley Chamber of Commerce website is the place to visit. They can give you events, dining, shopping, entertainment and so much more.
New Mexico Native American
New Mexico Native American
New Mexico has a vibrant and love history of Native communities and cultures. Their presence dates back more than two millennia.
Bandelier National Monument
Bandelier National Monument
This beautiful national monument covers 33,000 acres of rugged canton and mesa country. It also protects human presence going back over 11,000 years.
Los Alamos National Library
Los Alamos National Library
The Museum in 1897 reached an annual attendance of about 80,000 people and for good reason, there are 60 interactive exhibits as well as other exhibits that consist of research projects.
Ghost Ranch
Ghost Ranch
Ghost Ranch is about an hour outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad
The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad
This particular railroad travels over 64 miles of land, it crosses through New Mexico and Colorado and has some amazing sites to see along the way.
Santa Fe Opera
Santa Fe Opera
If you have never been to the opera you don't want to miss out on it.
Santa Fe Arts And Culture
Santa Fe Arts And Culture
Abiquiu Lake
Abiquiu Lake
Abiquiu Lake is a great place to stop in and enjoy the day they are also nearby a lot of surrounding attractions.
Santa Fe Unlimited
Santa Fe Unlimited
Santa Fe has a beautiful and colorful history that you won't want to miss. There is so much to do including trying out the food and learning more about the different cultures.
Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center
Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center
New Mexico Fiber Arts Center is New Mexicos's resource for fiber artists. Enthusiasts and artists come to learn, shop and find inspiration.
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